Welcome to Your Primary Care Medical Home
What is a Primary Care Medical Home?
It is a system of care in which a team of health professionals work together to provide all of your health care needs. We use a team approach to communicate and coordinate your health care and provide the best possible outcomes for you.
As part of a Primary Care Medical Home we will:
- Ask you to pick a Primary Care Provider
- Review your medications at every visit
- Discuss your goals and how you would like to improve your health
- Ask you to assist in updating your health record to include recent test results and information from specialists and other providers you have seen
- Discuss your goals and how you would like to improve your health. We can also discuss goals for your child – English | Spanish
- Listen to you and address your concerns
- Help you stay healthy by giving you easy to understand information
- Have a provider on call after hours for your urgent needs
- Provide you with same day appointments when you are sick
- Remind you when vaccines and tests are due
- Notify you of test results in a timely manner
- Help coordinate care with specialty doctors if needed
As your Primary Care Medical Home we trust you to:
- Make your provider aware of your entire medical history
- Follow the care plan that is agreed upon as best you can
- Keep all appointments as scheduled or call to reschedule or cancel
- Tell your provider of all medications, vitamins, and supplements you take
- Let us know when you see other health care providers and ask them to send us a report about your careCall the office before going to the Emergency Room if possible so someone who knows your history can care for you
- Give us feedback to help us improve our services by filling out our Patient Satisfaction Survey – English | Spanish
How does a Primary Care Medical Home benefit you?
- We are available when you need us.
- We know your health history and can suggest treatment options that make sense for you
- We help you understand your health and how to take care of your yourself. We explain your options and provide you with information to help you make decisions about your care.
- We help you coordinate your health care even if we are not the ones giving you the care. We will help you find specialists, get appointments, and make sure others have the information they need to care for you
- We use technology such as electronic health records and share records to help prevent medical errors
What are the Roles of your Primary Care Medical Home Team?
Primary Care Provider
- Listen to your feelings and questions about your health
- Explain medical care and medications in an easy to understand way
- Document the care provided to you
- Arrange for needed additional testing or evaluation
- Provide clear instructions related to agreed upon care and treatment
Nurses/ Assistants/Facilitators
- Gather basic health information (height, weight, vital signs)
- Document details of health history and care
- Patient education, health promotion
- Assist with follow up appointments
- Coordinate delivery of test results to patients
- Handle telephone calls and urgent inquiries
Registration/Records Staff
- Appointment scheduling/confirming
- Patient reception
- Update demographic/contact/insurance information
- Maintenance of electronic and paper health records
North Hudson Community Action Corporation Health Center Profile