Emergency Assistance Department

The Emergency Assistance Department assists clients experiencing a variety of crises. Our staff provides assistance to resolve the emergencies of individuals and families.

Staff provides services by appointment. Review the services listed below and call the Case Manager assigned to assist you.

Emergency Food or Motel Assistance

  • Assistance includes food vouchers to avoid hunger and lessen financial constraints.
  • Emergency motel shelter for those displaced by fires or sudden building closures.

Contact: 201-210-0333 Ext 22105 or 22108

Rental Assistance Services

Eligible individuals and families can receive short-term financial assistance if they are at risk of becoming homeless. Client must be facing eviction, and have no means to pay the past due rent. Clients must have sufficient income to continue paying their rent once assistance is provided. Clients also receive strength-based case management and referrals to other services to assist with maintaining long-term stability.

Contact: 201-210-0333 Ext 22105 or 22108

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

Assistance to rapidly connect families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. The program is tailored to provide supportive services in order to resolve barriers and challenges and to obtain and maintain housing.

The following is the criteria for eligibility:

  • Family or individual must have a household annual income less than or equal to 50% of Area Median Income
  • Hudson County Resident
  • Lack resources and support networks needed to obtain other permanent housing
  • Meets one of the following homeless situations:
    1) Living in a shelter and/or motel paid by charitable organization or federal/state/local government program or living on the streets (or other place not meant for habitation).
    2) Exiting an institution (e.g., jail, hospital) where they resided for 90 days or less and were residing in emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering the institution.
    3) Fleeing/Attempting to flee Domestic Violence.

Referrals made through Garden State CDC Coordinated Entry Program only

Contact: Maria Crespo at 201-210-0333 Ext. 22103 email: mcrespo@nhcac.org

Residential Maintenance

The Residential Maintenance Program provides free minor home repairs for Hudson County Seniors.

The following is the criteria for eligibility:

  • A senior 60 years or older who is a home owner of (a) 1-4 family residence or a tenant with a repair not the responsibility of the landlord
  • No income requirements; although priority is given to frail and low-income
  • The repair should be related to a health or safety issue, but can also involve simple tasks as raking leaves or snow removal.

Contact: 201-210-0333 Ext. 22105